This book is meant for specialists in the field (i.e. therapists), so I’m not qualified to evaluate it. But here are a few miscellaneous takeaways:

Efficacy refers to the outcomes of clinical research under ideal conditions, with little attention paid to applicability. Effectiveness research, on the other hand, involves real-world settings and is considered by many to be a more useful standard than efficacy alone…1

The distinction helps explain why I’ve heard differing claims about whether psychotherapy has been proven to work: there’s strong evidence for its efficacy2 but “[w]hen reviewing the effectiveness—or real-world—outcome measures for psychotherapy, the picture becomes murkier”3.

Marijuana has sleep-interfering properties both in the short-term via rapid eye movement sleep (REM) suppression … and subsequent REM rebound (increased depth and intensity of REM sleep following deprivation), as well as the long-term, via slow wave sleep suppression…. The long-term negative effects of marijuana are slow to reverse, so marijuana cessation is unlikely to improve these side effects for several weeks to months…8

…most women do not include sexual fantasies in their experience of desire despite the fact that they report having sexual fantasies (Brotto et al., 2009). In addition, women typically display a pattern of “responsive desire” (i.e., sexual desire that emerges from or is triggered by an arousing sexual situation) within periods of “sexual neutrality,” as opposed to experiencing “spontaneous desire” (e.g., sexual desire that is present without much stimulation, usually in the form of thoughts or fantasies; Basson, 2000). Furthermore, 70% of women who were largely sexually satisfied reported that they wished to engage in sexual activity less than once per week (Cain et al., 2003).9

One early intervention using LSD appears to have caused significant harm…, although the specific contribution played by LSD has not been isolated from other treatment elements. During the 1960s, and informed by investigations into the effects of brainwashing during the Korean war, the Oak Ridge Social Therapy unit at Penetanguishene Hospital in Canada opened a highly experimental residential program that featured a patient-led community approach. It was based on the premise that people could be psychically torn down and rebuilt to improve their psychological health…. Patients were committed involuntarily after a conviction or court finding of not guilty by reason of insanity, resided continuously with other patients, and received very little input from staff. Instead, they were confined together, naked, in a sealed room, fed through wall-mounted tubes and invited to administer doses of various drugs including LSD and methedrine to one another….11

They do not. Partner differences are far less frequent and intense than partner similarities. Couples perceive differences because they develop over time as the couple becomes more complementary. That is, couples condition one another into opposite, complementing roles (e.g., the quiet partner and the loud one; the logical partner and the emotional one) through their interactions with one another. … However, these differences develop over time as opposed to at the moment of initial attraction, and the notion that opposites attract has been consistently refuted by scientists…12