An absolutely fascinating book revolving around an absolutely horrifying event.

In 1981, some KKK members wanted to kill a Black man to send a message, and they picked one completely at random: 19-year-old Michael Donald. This book covers the murder and the prosecution of the murderers, but its main focus is the civil suit litigated by the SPLC which succeeded in holding the United Klans of America responsible as a whole. There’s also a lot of background about some interesting characters:

One thing that caught my attention is how the racists in the story liked to blame opposition to themselves on “outside agitators”. This reluctance to believe that many people in your community could really disagree with you, and the insistence that opposition comes from evil Outsiders, remains common today. (And not only on the right; on my city’s left-leaning subreddit, for example, it’s common for people to allege that anyone criticizing progressive policies doesn’t even live here.)

I thought this was an eloquent comment on Wallace’s acceptance of conspiracy theories:

It didn’t matter that the story was not true, for it was true to his fears.

I have to mention how surreal it is to listen such a serious true story, with villains whose vicious, brutal acts inflict so much pointless suffering… when those villains go by ridiculous titles like Imperial Wizard and Exalted Cyclops.

Malcolm Hillgartner does a solid job narrating the audiobook.